Saturday, 22 February 2025
Astrology Education

Birthstone of Those Born in April: The Diamond

Birthstone of Those Born in April The Diamond

What is April Birthstone?

April’s birthstone is the diamond, a clear, white symbol of strength and lasting love. Diamonds have always been one of the most valuable gemstones for mankind for many millennia. They are related to beauty, strength, courage, and royalty. In Hindu mythology, they were connected with gods and kings. As such, the April birthstone marks those born in April as people in control, or people in authority.

With its endless beauty, clarity, and brilliance, the diamond is a classic and is believed to offer its wearer emotional balance and lucidity. Being one of the hardest gemstones, those who wear diamonds can experience greater perseverance and inner strength.

What is the April Birthstone’s Color?

Diamonds are generally known to be colorless or ‘white’, but the most common colors are yellow and brown.

The golden and brown tones are produced by trace amounts of nitrogen impurities present in the gaseous surroundings during diamond formation.

Brown and yellow diamonds are frequently referred to as ‘champagne’ or ‘cognac’ diamonds. Other diamond colors include pink, red, orange, blue, green, gray, and black; these are known as fancy colors. Blue diamonds are colored by boron impurities, while the other fancy colors are the result of irradiation and, in some cases, crystal lattice defects.

Diamond Color

The official color grading system for colorless-low-saturation yellow and brown diamonds ranges on a scale from ‘D’ (completely colorless) to ‘Z’ (light yellow). For example, diamonds graded D, E, and F are at the top of the grading scale and make up the colorless range. The next group is the near-colorless range, which is made up of the letters G, H, I, and J. Loose Diamonds For Sale grading K through Z have a faint light yellow color.

However, due to its rarity, the traditional diamond is white, or colorless. Inevitably, diamonds do not take on a brown or yellow hue from their gaseous environment, which means that pure white diamond is less common compared to brown and yellow tones.

The rarest diamonds are fancy colors like green, blue, pink, red, and yellow, they can also be more expensive depending on their intensity. In general, the more intense the color of the diamond combined with its clarity, the higher the price it can fetch, since such stones are very rare.

As such, brilliant diamonds with intense colors can command higher prices than white or colorless diamonds of the same size.

Since fancy colored diamonds are rare and in high demand, the color can be applied in the laboratory, resulting in what is known as color treated diamonds.

Diamond Clarity:

Clarity is another diamond characteristic that is taken into account with diamonds. These April birthstones are graded on a scale from internally perfect (IF), meaning no inclusions, to highly included (I3). To put it into perspective, slightly included (SI) diamonds in the middle of the scale have inclusions that can be seen under 10 x magnifications, although they are not visible to the naked eye.

April Birthstone Story

It is believed that the diamond was one of the 12 gemstones used in Aaron’s armor. Each of these stones represented one of the tribes of Israel and is believed to have magical and spiritual energies that could be harnessed to protect the wearer.

In the Indian subcontinent, diamonds were highly valued in Sanskrit texts – from 400 BC – which discuss the value and significance of diamonds, particularly to kings and the wealthy. According to Hindu astrology, April’s birthstones were associated with Venus. In the Roman era, jewelry was associated with Mars, which is why soldiers wore diamond amulets for protection and strength when going to war.

Diamonds from India found their way to markets in Venice and elsewhere in Europe. Where they were bought by the elite and the wealthy in the second millennium AD. However, the April gemstone had been a valuable gem in Europe long before.

Pliny, the Roman naturalist, speaking in the first century AD, said that the diamond is not only the most valuable of precious stones but also the most precious of all things. In fact, during the Middle Ages (5th to 15th century), diamonds were believed to have healing powers and were used to treat anything from mental disease and fatigue to kidney stones and glaucoma.

April Birthstone Healing Properties

For a long time, it has been believed that the diamond has healing powers in the emotional, physical and psychological fields.

Diamond as an Energy Boosting:

Diamonds are believed to amplify energy, thus offering stamina, strength, and energy to their wearer, enabling them to overcome calamities. Used in combination with crystals such as amethyst, they amplify the power of the crystal energy generated.

Diamond Detoxifies and Purifies:

The April gemstone detoxifies and purifies the body’s systems, treats chronic illnesses and allergies, produces adrenaline, and balances metabolism. Healers who use gemstones claim that the diamond relieves or treats vertigo, motion sickness, eye problems, and glaucoma.

Connection of diamonds with the brain and the pituitary gland:

Since the middle ages, diamond has been used to cure problems with the pituitary and the brain. The gemstone was heated and brought to bed where it was believed to draw out toxins from the brain and body. In this way, individual balance, alertness, and reason would be improved.

What is the durability of the April Birthstone?

Diamond Hardness:

The concept of durability is made up of three factors:

Hardness (resistance to scratches), strength (resistance to chipping, cracking, and breaking), and stability (resistance to chemicals or environmental impact).

On the Mohs hardness scale (an index where 1 is the softest and 10 is the hardest). The diamond has a 10, being the only natural substance with this level of hardness on earth and it can only be scratched by another diamond.

Diamond Strength:

All gemstones are considers fragile to some degree; this means they can easily snap. The diamond has a perfect cleavage, which means that it can be easily cut; however, this is only the case at the cleavage plane, where the atoms are further apart, more loosely bound.

Any force directed perpendicular to those planes will not break, crack or chip the diamond as easily. In general, diamond strength is rated as good, an intermediate rating on the strength scale.

Diamond Stability:

High temperatures don’t tend to affect the color and clarity of diamonds, although it is important to avoid thermal shock (rapid temperature changes). Such conditions can cause fractures in any crystal structure, including that of diamonds.

Likewise, they can also burn at 1562°F (850°C). Some home fire pits and jewelry torches can reach that temperature. April birthstones are also unaffected by chemicals, this property, combined with their resistance to high temperatures, gives diamonds very high stability.

Diamond is considers a highly durable gemstone and can be safely faceted into any shape as well as set into any type of jewelry. The most common use of diamonds is for an engagement ring setting – one that is intended for everyday wear and can last quite a while. It is also common to find diamonds used in tennis bracelets, another highly used piece of jewelry.

April birthstone necklace, earrings, pendants are also a good choice when looking for that special gift. Although they are very durable, it is prudent to be careful when wearing diamond jewelry to avoid environmental shocks and shocks, as should be done with all gemstones.

Cleaning and Care of Diamonds

Since diamonds come in a variety of colors, they go well with any accessory or for any occasion. Their toughness also means you don’t have to worry about them getting damaged when you’re outside; however, diamonds can be brittle and will break, crack, or chip with sufficient force.

The diamond has a rating of 10 on the Mohs hardness scale. Which means that it is the hardest of all gemstones, resistant to scratches from any material except other diamonds. However, you should still take good care of your diamond jewelry, especially if it has been treated to remove inclusions or repair fractures. For April birthstones, the best way to care for them is to clean them with a commercial cleaning solution or mild detergent, warm water, and a soft brush or lint-free cloth.

Final Opinion

The diamond is the king of birthstones and has been a favorite of royalty, celebrities, the wealthy, and the elite for thousands of years. The elegance and sophistication of the diamond, along with the fact that it can last for many generations, make it one of the most precious birthstones you could buy.

Due to its excellent durability and the fact that it is found in many colors. It means that you can find diamonds to wear on any occasion or with any accessory. Additionally, the April birthstone is also associated with various virtues such as bravery, fortitude, and undying love.

Although it is an April birthstone, anyone will look amazing wearing a pair of diamond stud earrings or pendant. Although it costs much more than many other gemstones on the market, its beauty and elegance will make you stand out anywhere, making it worth its price. Check out Gemistone Jeweler’s guide to buying diamonds and other loose gemstones and find your April birthstones today!

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