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Get Ahead of the Competition with This Guide to International SEO

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International SEO is a process that can be used to improve the visibility and ranking of a website on international search engines. It involves optimizing a website for foreign markets by using targeted keyword research and creating content that is relevant to those markets. International SEO also includes creating localized versions of websites, which can be used to target specific countries or regions. 

Why Is International SEO Important? 

International SEO is important for businesses because it can help them target new customers in other countries. However, a company might not have a website that is optimized for international search. In such a case, they will likely miss out on potential sales from customers in other countries. When optimizing a website for global searches, many things need to be considered, such as choosing the right SEO agency, translating content, and using the appropriate currency symbols. 

Your International SEO Checklist

Do your market research:

When expanding your business to new markets, it is essential to do your research first. This includes understanding the culture, the search engines and how they work, and what keywords are being used in that country. Otherwise, you could be investing a lot of time and money into a venture that doesn’t bring results.

International SEO can be very different from optimizing for domestic traffic. For one, you need to consider the cultural differences in how people search. For example, what works in the United States might not work in Germany or Japan. It would be helpful to consider how search engines operate in different countries. Google dominates everywhere, but Yahoo! and Baidu have large market shares in some countries. And finally, different keywords are being used in each country. You can use Google AdWords Keyword Tool and other tools with the help of an SEO agency to find out what those keywords are. 

Check your website for global readiness: 

Before you start targeting customers in other countries, it’s important to make sure that your website is ready for global traffic. A Boston SEO agency can assist you in this regard. Here are a few things to consider:

Define your site and URL structure:

There are a few major components to keep in mind regarding international SEO. One of the most important is site structure. Your site’s architecture can make or break your efforts to rank internationally. 

A well-defined site structure from the Boston SEO agency will help you ensure that users and search engines can easily navigate your website. It will also help you properly target specific countries and regions with your content.

There are a few things to keep in mind when structuring your website for international SEO: 

Set up Hreflang tags:

Hreflang tags tell search engines what language you are using on your website and which countries you are targeting. This is undoubtedly important as it ensures that the search engine displays the correct results for users searching in a particular language or country. Setting up Hreflang tags is easy and can be done in minutes using a tag management system like Google Tag Manager. In addition, Hreflang tags can prevent your website’s language and version variations from competing in search engines. 

Create local versions of your website:

Consider creating local versions if you want to improve your website’s SEO for international users. This can be done using country- or language-specific domains, subdomains, or directories. You can also use specific keywords and phrases in the local versions of your website that are targeted to users in those countries or regions. 

international SEO


Following these steps, as mentioned earlier, you can ensure that your website is primed for international SEO success. Always test and measure your results and keep on top of the ever-changing SEO landscape. With some help from the Boston SEO agency and careful planning, you can help your site reach new global audiences.

Author Bio: – Rudra Kumar is an Assistant General Manager of search operations at Techmagnate with more than 10+ years of experience in search engine optimisation. He has helped many businesses in growing revenue via search engines of his strengths.

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