Sunday, 16 June 2024

Pest Control House Tips

From health problems to structural damages, there’s a number of reasons why you should insert pest control in your annual home maintenance checklist. Your house should be treated like a home. In fact, it should be ideally safe with sturdy foundations, strong enough to last you a lifetime.

By doing proper pest control, you’re not just checking off an item on your to-do list, you’re also tending your well-being and creating a space for creativity and undisturbed quality rest.

Even common pests, such as termites and mosquitoes, could easily become a double whammy! It can cost us billions of dollars’ worth of property damages yearly without us even realizing it.

If you’re experiencing pest-related problems now, it’s more likely an urgent matter. Also, being proactive about it can go a long way.

But before you impulsively hoard pest control products online, consider these important pest control tips first:

  1. Declutter. This is one of the most proactive and cheap way to get rid of your pest problem at home. It’s always better to prevent the pest infestation per se than pay a hundred dollars’ worth of repairs. 

By decluttering, you deprive pests of their breeding places and their food and water source. Note that a female German cockroach can lay 30,000 eggs per year. Now, there’s no doubt they can easily hide and go unnoticed.

Be also familiar with the types of pests found in cluttered areas. The more cluttered the area, the harder it is for you to notice any pest infestation. 

  • Avoid standing water. It doesn’t take much to build a swarm of mosquitoes as much as it is easy for them to transmit deadly diseases to humans.

The Aedes aegypti mosquito can lay eggs in standing water, and the eggs can survive up to 8 months even when they dry out.

Once in a while, empty containers or other things that hold unused, stagnant water such as the following:

  • Rain barrels
  • Flower vases
  • Trash cans
  • Discarded tires
  • Open jars
  • Pools/pool covers
  • Bird baths
  • Catch plates for plant pots
  1. Fix faulty plumbing. Broken pipes leak water, and as long as there’s moisture, molds thrive. 

This attracts pests like cockroaches, camel crickets, and rodents among others. Even worse, some bugs like to live in clogged drains. 

If the problem gets out of hand, it’s best to leave it to your local plumber.

  1. Use pesticides properly. Hoarding a bunch of expensive pesticides isn’t enough to solve your pest problem.

You also need to know how to apply them to avoid future health injuries and structural damages. So, you might want to consider the following dos and don’ts when it comes to using pesticides:

  • Apply the recommended dose.
  • Dispose of your leftover pesticides properly in accordance with the hazardous waste collection and disposal procedures in your community.
  • Don’t use pesticides when you are not feeling well.
  • Don’t use outdoor pesticides indoors.
  • Opt for ready-to-use products.
  • Keep the pesticides away from reach of children.
  • Wash your bedding. Whether you’re checking under your mattresses, in the cracks of your headboard, or even in the seams of upholstered furniture,  there’s a big chance you’d find your bedbug problem.

But since bedbugs love your bed as much as you do, you might want to consider washing your bedding regularly. While you’re at it, launder other bedbug-infested items as well.

These creatures are hard to find and you’d most probably just dismiss your bedbug problem as a “minor” issue. But you can experience allergic reactions to their bites and even result in impetigo, ecthyma, and lymphangitis.

Thus, to thoroughly treat your home for bedbugs, it’s best to avail yourself of the best bed bug removal services in town. 

With the experience and expertise of bedbug removal experts, these creatures will get out of your hair in no time!

Pest Control Goes a Long Way!

Let’s face it. Pest control is no easy task. Even if you get the hang of it, it just asks too much of your time sometimes. But once it’s incorporated in your monthly activities, you won’t be facing any difficulties.

What matters most is how it benefits you and your family in the long run. As long as you follow these tips, your house won’t just become pest-free, you’d also save yourself from avoidable expenses in the future. Remember, always think long term!

From health problems to structural damages, there’s a number of reasons why you should insert pest control in your annual home maintenance checklist. Your house should be treated like a home. In fact, it should be ideally safe with sturdy foundations, strong enough to last you a lifetime.

By doing proper pest control, you’re not just checking off an item on your to-do list, you’re also tending your well-being and creating a space for creativity and undisturbed quality rest.

Even common pests, such as termites and mosquitoes, could easily become a double whammy! It can cost us billions of dollars’ worth of property damages yearly without us even realizing it.

If you’re experiencing pest-related problems now, it’s more likely an urgent matter. Also, being proactive about it can go a long way.

These creatures are hard to find and you’d most probably just dismiss your bedbug problem as a “minor” issue. But you can experience allergic reactions to their bites and even result in impetigo, ecthyma, and lymphangitis.

You also need to know how to apply them to avoid future health injuries and structural damages. So, you might want to consider the following dos and don’ts when it comes to using pesticides:

  • Apply the recommended dose.
  • Dispose of your leftover pesticides properly in accordance with the hazardous waste collection and disposal procedures in your community.
  • Don’t use pesticides when you are not feeling well.
  • Don’t use outdoor pesticides indoors.
  • Opt for ready-to-use products.
  • Keep the pesticides away from reach of children.
  • Wash your bedding. Whether you’re checking under your mattresses, in the cracks of your headboard, or even in the seams of upholstered furniture,  there’s a big chance you’d find your bedbug problem.

jessica smith

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