Monday, 24 February 2025

Some Common Myths Of Ayurvedic Medicine

When it comes to talking about Ayurvedic medicines, it is the oldest form of medicine and it is believed that this medicine has many ample benefits. However, Ayurveda is surrounded by many myths which have created chaos among the followers. Multiple herbal medicinal plants are available these days but to differentiate them from Ayurveda is complex.

It is said that the Ayurveda medications are pseudoscientific as this medicine only deals with herbs and plants. The roots of this medicine can be seen in India around 3 to 4 thousand years ago. Since then, the popularity of this medicine growing day by day.

During the pandemic, it was seen that people were adopting Ayurvedic medicine as it claims to cure any kind of issues and so on. Well, let’s bust out some myths:

  1. There are no side effects of these medicines.
  2. Ayurveda is not a legal medication.
  3. Ayurveda is all about herbs.
  4. The medications take a long time to show results.
  5. Only vegetarians take Ayurveda medicines.
  6. The Ayurveda medicines are only for treating skin issues.

Most Ayurvedic practitioners say that Ayurveda is all about following some basic principles. The principle to prevent illness while responding to the indicators. So, let’s understand the myths and analyze them:

Myth 1:There are no side effects of these medicines

This is a long-belief myth that Ayurvedic medicine don’t have side effects. Well, this is not true, every kind of medicine have side effect someway or the other. Following the right medication such as doses, having the medicine at the right time does not show any kind of side effects. Thus, these herbal medicines also show side effects.

Myth 2: Ayurveda is not a legal medication

To practice Ayurveda, a practitioner must have a legal license before prescribing medicines to any people. So, this is another common myth that Ayurveda does not acquire legal medication. However, there are ayurvedic institutions where practitioners can achieve their license or degree to follow the medication.

Myth 3: Ayurveda is all about herbs

Ayurveda medicine not only depends on medicinal herbs but also depend on other natural products such as Ghee, Oil, Milk, Honey, etc. sometimes gallstones are also used. This myth is believed by many people and so it is surrounding to date that this typed medications only deals with the herbs.

Myth 4: The medications take a long time to show results

This is not true, any medications do not claim to show faster results. Be it Ayurvedic medicine or allopathic medicines, any medication will show results when the correct procedure is followed. While having any treatments, keeping patience is a must. However this medicine works on the root cause of the problems, so it takes time to show effective results.

Myth 5: Only vegetarians take Ayurveda medicines

The Ayurveda medicines are for everyone. It doesn’t matter if someone is vegetarian or non-vegetarian, all of them have the right to choose any kind of medication or treatment according to their choice. Since another myth says this medicine is all about herbs, that is why it is believed that only vegetarians can take the Ayurveda medicines which are not true.

Myth 6: The Ayurveda medicines are only for treating skin issues

As allopathy medicines are available for every kind of disease, Ayurvedic medicines are also available for any kind of disease. Not only does it deals with skin diseases but this medical practice has eight branches such as general medicine, surgery, pediatrics, gynecology, and so on. So, Ayurveda medicines are not only meant for treating chronic skin issues or diseases.

The myths surrounding the Ayurvedic medicines are not limited in number. The number is increasing day by day which questions the ancient practice of medicine. Also, it is advisable that every believing on the myths, it is important to do some research as there are many articles which remove the wrong myths.


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