Thursday, 27 February 2025

Steroids: Anabolic Vs Testosterone

Steroids: Anabolic Vs Testosterone

The moment we hear the word Steroid, instantly we imagine a bodybuilder with ripped muscles. But do you know that apart from muscle gain, there are several other benefits of steroids? Yes, I am talking about legal steroids which can be easily prescribed to you by your doctor. There are referred to as corticosteroid steroids, slightly different than Anabolic steroids used by athletes and gym freaks.

Steroids are nothing but a lab version of hormones inside the human body. They were originally developed to treat inflammation and breathing problems in the human body. Later scientists discovered other usages of Steroids such as skin treatment, certain eye conditions, premature birth complications, and so on.

Anabolic Vs Testosterone: What are the Differences?

Currently, there are several different kinds of UK steroids, being used for skin treatment, eye conditions, muscle growth, breathing problems, and so on.


The most common type of Steroid you will find in the market is Anabolic Steroid. Anabolic steroid is a similar chemical found in the male sex hormone – testosterone. It was invented in 1930 in order to replicate the original testosterone inside the human body but later it turned out that a large amount of Anabolic steroids can help with muscle growth.

Currently, the drug is in use for medical purposes but athletes around the world have been using it to gain muscles and have a performance advantage.


It’s one of the most popular steroids used by doctors to treat several blood cell conditions and improve metabolism performance and muscle growth.

Testosterone has been further classified into 3 types of steroids:

1 – Cypionate – It’s primarily used as a weight-loss drug. But it can have some serious long-term side effects such as depression, skin diseases, liver damage, etc.

2 – Enanthate – It’s also used to cut the fat and cholesterol from your body. It has similar side effects as Cypionate which can result in some long-term liver problems plus strong withdrawal symptoms.

3 – Propionate – It’s used to treat low Testosterone levels in male bodies as well as for breast cancer treatment in women. It can also be used to gain muscles but the results are slower compared to other anabolic steroids.

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