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Suing a Business for Personal Injury? Here’s What You Need to Know

Businesses have a responsibility to keep their customers and employees safe. If they fail to do so and you get hurt, you may have grounds to sue and recover damages. Here is what you need to know about suing a business for a personal injury claim.

Proving Liability

The most critical element in a personal injury lawsuit is proving liability – that is, showing that the defendant’s actions (or inaction) directly caused your injuries. There are a few ways to establish liability against a business:

Proving negligence usually comes down to showing that a reasonably prudent business would have acted differently under the same circumstances. Gathering evidence and witness testimony to support your claim is critical.

Contributory negligence applies in some states, including North Carolina and Virginia. Where it does apply, the law is clear: a defendant can avoid liability for losses if the plaintiff shares any responsibility for their injury.

Damages in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you sue, your goal will be to recover compensatory damages for your losses. These can include:

Most slip and fall cases settle for between $50k and $100k, but the more evidence you have, the easier it will be to put a dollar amount on your damages.

Statute of Limitations

There is a strict time limit to file a personal injury claim, known as the statute of limitations. This window ranges from 1 – 6 years depending on your state. The clock starts ticking from the date of your injury. Don’t delay seeking legal representation to avoid running out of time.

Settlements vs. Lawsuits

Many injury claims settle out of court through negotiations between attorneys. However, sometimes cases do go to trial when settlement talks fail. An experienced personal injury lawyer can provide insight into the likelihood of settlement vs. trial in your situation. They will also determine the optimal strategy for maximum compensation.

Suing a business for a personal injury comes down to establishing negligence and proving damages. With help from a qualified attorney, you can hold a business accountable and recover the compensation you deserve. Don’t hesitate to explore your legal options if you have been injured due to another party’s carelessness.

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