Sunday, 23 February 2025

Top 5 Key Factors To Look For In A Conveyor System

Automation with AGV and robotic arm in smart distribution warehouse.

A conveyor can seem like a daunting chore to select from all the available possibilities. 

Conveyors do more than just transport goods. They are crucial components of sophisticated material handling equipment. The ideal system can move objects safely between tiers, buffer those objects so that operations can go past a line without interruption, and sort objects swiftly and effectively. 

Boxes making their way down the conveyor belt on their way to customers.


Even though a conveyor incorporates the latest technology, selecting the incorrect conveyor for a given application might harm a warehouse’s productivity and compromise long-term plans. 

Conveyors are often misapplied for a variety of reasons, including the desire to keep the number of unique pieces of equipment to a minimum while also meeting spending limits. The above factors should definitely be considered when selecting a conveyor for material handling, but they should not be used as the primary – or even the only – evaluation criteria.

The most effective way to evaluate all of the best options for batch or continuous processing is to consider each material movement requirement from a blank starting point. Looking at an application with the mindset of “What is the best way to satisfy our material conveying need?” will put processors in a better position to make the right conveyor selection prior to purchase.

If you want to work as efficiently as possible, there are a lot of factors that go into this choice. 

  1. Select dependable equipment of high quality 


Do your study and pick a business you can rely on with a strong standing in the sector. Designers enjoy providing dependable goods and will keep the system operating well for years. Choose the best quality belt conveyors to improve your production process. Always do some research and pick the best one.  

Conveyor belt for postal boxes


  1. Early consideration of conveyors 


Conveyors are far too frequently view as basic, non-value-adding mechanical devices. 

This way of thinking places their installs, updates, and improvements at the bottom of a long list of options. Nevertheless, a well-designed conveyor is a resource that adds value. Choosing them wisely is essential to compete in a global market. For a valid reason, conveyors are frequently referred to as the “arteries” of a storehouse. It describes both their physical characteristics and significance. 

Conveyors are intricate equipment, so it is important to factor them into a project’s cost and design from the beginning to get the most out of them. 

Conveyors can reduce operator errors by up to 90% when used with pick-to-light technology. Zone buffers are created by using conveyors as accumulators between sectors. While portions of the network on the other end of the buffer are down, units up or downstream can continue to operate at maximum capacity thanks to queuing products. 

Automation with AGV and robotic arm in smart distribution warehouse. 


A conveyor system can assist, regardless of whether your company needs to enhance throughput, raise health and safety requirements, reduce damages, or enhance accuracy. 

  1. Note the surroundings 


How will the conveyor system react to its surroundings? Is it wet enough to lead to rust or other issues? Will it be chilly enough for lubricants to harden there? Dirty enough to add to the wear and tear on the belts, sprockets, and gears? 

A single system subjects to multiple environmental hazards. Conveyors subject to harsh washdowns with abrasive chemicals, daily dismantling for maintenance, the severe cold of a refrigerator, the intense heat of an oven, etc. while preparing food. 

Top View Of Robotic Arms Working On Conveyor Belt In Automatic Warehouse


The weights themselves can become external factors even in relatively clean areas. Metal shavings may be transported in oil sludge or may even become momentarily magnetic and enter gears. 

These problems can be dealt with affordably, but they must be considered early in the design stage. The movement of the product across various environments is another factor to consider. For instance, the specifications for conveyors that can receive the same item after it has been packaged differ from those that can take raw or cooked food directly. It becomes more complex to transition between those zones. 

  1. Make a list of the resources. 


What categories of goods are being moved? Flat bottomed, heavy boxes? Ounces for envelopes? Fragile porcelain or glass goods? Considerations specific to bulk materials include flowability, toughness, and moisture content. 

Conveyors frequently have a variety of things to move. In these situations, taking into account the limiting constraints is crucial. What are the biggest, most minor, biggest, and most frail things? Your alternatives will become more limited when you identify solutions that can handle the extremes. 

It is essential to consider how the loads will respond to the conveyor system’s movement and speed, particularly at transfer and collection locations. Items that are fragile or flimsy might not withstand abrupt stops and starts. 

One can adjust motors for gentle starts to accommodate this. The risk of injuries reduce by accumulation of low pressure, zero stress, or even no contact. 

  1. Equipment Cost 


It goes without saying that cost is among the most crucial considerations when making investments for your company. It is vital that you take the proper action since the money you spend from your hard-earned money can assist your business in expanding. When the equipment breaks down and you don’t have a support service to rely on, cutting corners can come back to bite you. On the other hand, if you choose the most expensive choice, you can feel cheated and not receive value for your money. 

Your business negatively impacts when any equipment breaks down. In light of this, it’s critical to restore equipment to operation as soon as possible in case of failure. Conveyor equipment that is durable and reliable is essential for your business. Conveyor systems, like other machinery, include several mechanical components that need routine maintenance to function effectively. Having a trustworthy team to handle routine maintenance is also a brilliant idea. 



An automated conveyor system may make any production process much more productive. Because they know the advantages conveyors bring to their manufacturing operation, most industrial organizations have computerized conveyor systems in their facilities. 

Selecting the ideal conveyor system for your business is not always straightforward. Make the choice that is best for your company by taking your time. You will be in good condition if you consider these five considerations when selecting conveyor equipment. 

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