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What is Neurodermatitis


What is Neurodermatitis?

Neurodermatitis is a skin condition involves only one or two spots of skin that itches and is scratched. Another name for it is lichen simplex chronicus.

The itch can appear anywhere on the body, although it is most frequently felt on the scalp, back of the neck, arms, shoulders, and elbows. The facial, vaginal, and anal regions may also itch. There may be constant itching that requires frequent scratching, or the itching may come and go. When the patient is relaxing or attempting to sleep, it is most active. 


Symptoms of neurodermatitis include:

The scalp, neck, wrists, forearms, ankles, vulva, scrotum, and anus are among the reachable places that are affected. The itchiness, which can be very strong, may be constant or intermittent. You might itch your skin unintentionally or while you’re asleep.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms stated above, we suggest you visit the following Dermatologists in Dr. Ziauddin Hospital.

Risk Factors:

The factors that increase your risk of Neurodermatitis are as follows:

Age: People between the ages of 30 years to 50 years are more likely to develop neurodermatitis.

Skin Disorders: Having other skin disorders such as psoriasis increases your chances of developing neurodermatitis.

Genetics: Research shows that a family history of eczema or allergic reactions increases the likelihood of developing neurodermatitis.

Anxiety disorders and Depression: Anxiety and stress can cause flare ups.

What Causes Neurodermatitis?

Neurodermatitis has an underlying cause that is unclear. The itch, however, has been noticed to begin during periods of extremely high stress, worry, emotional trauma, or depression. Even after the emotional stress has subsided or stopped, the itching can occasionally persist.

Other potential causes of neurodermatitis include:

How Is It Treated?

Rarely does neurodermatitis recover on its own. Each patient’s treatment plan will be written by a dermatologist just for them. The primary objective is to stop scratching and itching. Treatments may involve taking medications like:

If you suspect that you have neurodermatitis we advise you to visit this Dermatologist in Doctors Hospital.

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