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Working from Home Because of COVID-19? These Tools Will Boost Your Productivity!

Most of us are facing a compulsory lock-down on account of the COVID-19 outbreak. The pandemic has caused massive loss of life and has impacted several global economies. Keeping the safety of the population in mind, the Government of India has announced a complete lockdown of various states and advised companies to permit employees to work from home. Corporates are worried about this diktat lowering employee productivity, considering work-from-home issues like poor connectivity, cybersecurity, remote collaboration, data allocation, etc.

This presents an ever-increasing need to be prepared for unexpected situations. Across the world, companies are starting to see the value in well-thought-out business continuity plans to keep their employees safe and ensure that their business can run smoothly if another situation occurs.

With so many companies now scrambling for viable solutions that will help the shift from working on-site to working remotely, what they have to keep in mind is not just solving the issue of remote working, but rather, how to do so conveniently.

By leveraging the right blend of efficient tools and innovative software, one can make the remote working experience seamless and productive.



 With no known cure for the pandemic and the authorities taking all efforts possible to contain its spread, it remains to be seen how long the remote working situation will last. As we wait for things to go back to normal, these tools will help you tackle difficulties related to remote working and help you be more productive and efficient.

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