Friday, 21 June 2024

6 Benefits of Online Tuition in Singapore You Wish You Knew Sooner

It’s the same scenario over and over in many households in Singapore: Parents discover that their child is falling behind in school. The child barely passed to the 4th grade. Or, parents discover that their child in secondary level is falling behind some subjects the child finds difficult and oftentimes, baffling.

Eventually, some relatives, close friends, or even the child’s teachers suggest hiring an online tutor. 

Online tutoring in Singapore has gained popularity over the past few years. It puts some parents at ease instead of letting a stranger into their home, even for private tutoring. Of course, over the past two years or more, online tutoring has become the means to navigate the unfamiliar waters of virtual classroom settings in response to the pandemic and safety concerns of parents for their children.

Whether for concerns of safety or convenience, parents choose online tutoring because their child is struggling in school or others need a push to complete assignments. For clarity, we state here at least six advantages/benefits to online tutoring that makes it suitable for students of all ages.

Improves academic performance

An online tutor can address the student’s areas of struggle, help them prepare for tests and complete assignments. The tutor can also reinforce learned knowledge and skills and show the student how to apply them to new concepts. All this can lead to higher test scores and better grades.

Online tutoring is customised to each students’ needs

A qualified and experienced online tutor (like those provided by FamilyTutor, but more of that later) will assess your child’s needs, weaknesses, strengths, and interests. They can then create tutoring sessions based on all this to meet the child’s learning style. Customised online tutoring helps ensure that your child is learning effectively at his/her pace.

Improves students’ study habits

An online tutor is both an educator and counsellor. The tutor serves as a role model and encourages a strong work ethic in the student. The tutor makes it clear that every benefit for the student will go beyond and affect the future. A tutor can also assist in noting inefficient methods of learning and studying used in school. The one-to-one attention afforded by online tutoring provides an opportunity to improve the student’s study skills.

Raises students’ self-esteem

As your child’s grades improve, their enthusiasm and motivation for learning go up as well. Through online tutoring, your child finds a lot of accomplishment and achievement by finishing goals. Whether it is improvement in maths or a mother tongue language class, the student feels new confidence by benefiting from their hidden abilities.

Encourages development of critical thinking and intellectual independence

Students struggling in a subject or several subjects do not have time to solve more challenging problems. A tutor can guide students to overcome their struggles and help with problem-solving at the child’s own pace. The development of essential problem-solving skills eventually leads to intellectual independence. As the student improves and gains more confidence, they gain more space to learn on their own. As your child becomes increasingly independent in academics, prompting is no longer needed.

Online tutoring provides direct and personalised feedback (and the safety factor is there as well)

Whether the tutor is tackling academic, communication, or social skills, students receive direct, personal, and detailed feedback on their performance, something that cannot be given in the larger settings of the classroom. Thus, if the student is struggling, they no longer need to do so alone because the tutor is there to answer all enquiries and to help with learning

Whether for concerns of safety or convenience, parents choose online tutoring because their child is struggling in school or others need a push to complete assignments. For clarity, we state here at least six advantages/benefits to online tutoring that makes it suitable for students of all ages.

Of course, parents are assured of safety and social distancing because all tutoring sessions are online. 

Advantages of Online Tuition from Home

Although online tutoring has been around for a while now, many students and parents haven’t yet caught on the possibility of meeting with a tutor virtually, let alone come to recognise its benefits. Online coaching provides a number of advantages that make it superior to the conventional method of tutoring in many ways.

Why are tuitions considered important for school students?

In today’s competitive era, students need to be on the edge to score good grades in their exams. Classroom learning isn’t enough for school students, they need to adopt a new study pattern and need in-depth understanding of the different concepts. This can be achieved only through tuition classes, which would support them to deliver their best performance.

Online higher education is in high demand as it offers students the opportunity to learn from the best lot of teachers of the country no matter where they reside. During their years in higher secondary and senior secondary education, students need reliable guidance in studies. Online learning platforms such as BYJU’S provides the best e-courses online to enhance students’ understanding of all the concepts.

Are tuitions necessary for school students?

Tuitions help school students to score good marks in their exams. To appear in any exam, a student needs to devote a lot of time, effort, prep time and hard work. Students can perform to their optimum and score good grades in the exam when they seek experts’ guidance or take up tuitions to work on the areas which need improvement.

Brick and mortar classes might be a little tedious when it comes to travelling long distances to and from the coaching classes. Online tutoring services have totally eliminated the need to do so. Now, students do not need to travel to and from the tuitions. Rather, they can attain the benefits of online coaching classes while they are at their homes.

Do you have a child that needs a one-to-one online tutor?

FamilyTutor provides one-to-one online tuition so your child can improve their academic learning in the convenience of your home. Why hire our online tutors?

  • We have the most family-oriented online tutors in Singapore.
  • Zero agency fee and no other hidden fees. You pay for what you see stated in our rates.
  • Highest level of satisfaction as shown in media recognitions and online testaments and reviews.
  • We can match carefully selected tutors to families in all 28 districts in Singapore.
  • We have served more than 8,000 families.
  • Our tutors are part of our collaboration with graduates or undergraduates from prestigious Singapore universities such as the National University of Singapore and Singapore University of Technology and Design.

Eventually, some relatives, close friends, or even the child’s teachers suggest hiring an online tutor.  


jessica smith

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