Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Portable Laptop Table For 2023

People spend a great deal of time sitting at their computers. When I am at work, I have an optimized ergonomic configuration that optimizes comfort and productivity.  Travelling, however, always reduces these concerns.

It’s appalling to see how many five-star hotels ignore very basic ergonomic issues, despite the display of their pride in offering business workstations in their rooms.  Even when I am six feet tall, I have struggled with desk surfaces too high and chairs too low – but shorter people have had much worse chances.

Most accommodation in budget hotels does not have any desks at all but are equipped with tables that are more akin to makeup appliances, though they sometimes are so narrow, that you cannot even fit your legs underneath them.

It would be very useful if we found a way to make our lives easier in these situations.

The list also includes the cases where we may benefit from some sort of work surface, including the car, the airport, while outdoors, and for the super-busy individual, in bed. The Portable laptop table stands four feet tall and measures two feet wide and twelve inches deep.

These problems are being addressed in an attempt to provide solutions to some or all of these concerns. The implementation of it does not have obvious shortcomings upfront, which limits it from adding much value to most of us.

A convenient travel feature is the unit’s aluminum and plastic construction that is relatively lightweight.  When folded up, the backpack measures about 15′′ by 10′′ and weighs 1 lb 15 oz. Unfortunately, no travel pouch is included to make travel with the backpack comfortable.

Despite its small size, the table can accommodate more than one person at any one time. When using it, you turn each leg into a different direction so that it tilts towards you in the desired direction.  Besides the large, flat mouse pad surface on the left-hand side, a small rectangular mouse pad surface can be popped up or closed by rotating it, as long as the level of the mouse pad is equal to the angle of the work surface.  You’re out of luck with a mouse if you use it with your left hand.

A pullout cupholder is also available, but with a hole diameter of only 2.3 inches, it is too small to fit most cups comfortably halfway down, so that instead of sitting in the holder, they will end up perched precariously in its very shallow recess.  Along the edge of the table closest to you, a metal flap folds up, possibly to keep your computer on the table from falling off the edge.

Initially, this was okay. But now, for the problem of actually using it. This was disconcerting and frustrating.

The problem is that it won’t really fit any standard chair. A comfortable position would have the laptop table not wedged thoroughly into your stomach, but slightly forward, which creates the possible problem of the legs falling down on your chair.

You’re going to have a hard time finding a seat without a measurement of more than 24-11/16 inches, or unless you’re, like me, incredibly slim with a smaller belly.  There are very few seats that have 24′′ or more between the seat’s front and back edges since too much space between the sides actually causes the wheel to bind.

One interesting aspect about the two pictures of the stand-in taking the seat on the back of its box is that the legs are perched precariously right on the edge of the seat.

When you are lying on your back or leaning against a wall and stretch your legs out in front of you, the danger is greatly reduced. Even if the seat is wide enough, you will still need an extra couple of inches to cushion the front and back ends and ensure a solid cushion. It is unusual to find a seat more than 26′′ wide.

A lot of people are disappointed since the laptop stand is too high. Best ergonomic practice suggests the shoulders should be at the level when typing, not raised, not stretched from side to side. your arms, from your shoulders to your elbows, should be more or less parallel to your body and, from your elbow to your wrists, they should be horizontal.

There is approximately 11 1/2′′ of tabletop above whatever surface or surface it is on. If you tilt the table towards you, the surface height can be reduced slightly.  However, I always felt that the laptop was too high on top of the table, and my shoulders would be inclined up and my arms from elbow to wrist angled up.  

The ergonomic specialist who advised me on this has confirmed that it was much more comfortable simply to put the laptop in my lap and to type that way.  Although this seems contrary to the logic of ergonomics, if you try it yourself, you might find that you have almost reached a theoretically ideal ergonomic position. As you type on your lap, but if you ever thought of your computer as elevated 11 1/2 inches above the surface on which you are seated, you would probably agree that it would be too high for comfort.

Therefore, while a good idea, in theory, I found it easier, at least for me, to just work with the computer on my knee.  Although this laptop table has a considerable height advantage, only a very few situations will allow you to utilize it.

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