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Staging to Sell: The Impact of Home Staging on Sale Price and Time on Market

Staging to Sell: The Impact of Home Staging on Sale Price and Time on Market

Selling a home can be a monumental task, with various factors influencing the final sale price and the time it takes to close the deal. Among the impactful strategies employed to enhance property sale prospects, home staging stands out as a powerful tool. 

This article delves into the compelling effects of home staging on both the sale price and the time a property spends on the market.

What Is Home Staging?

Home staging is the process of preparing and decorating a property to make it appealing to potential buyers. It involves decluttering, cleaning, repairing, updating, and arranging furnishings and decor to create an inviting and neutral environment. The objective is to enable prospective buyers to visualise themselves living in the space, which ideally encourages quicker and more lucrative offers.

The Impact on Sale Price

Enhanced Perceived Value

By investing in home staging, sellers can significantly increase the perceived value of their property. A well-staged home often appears move-in ready, minimising perceived work and investment needed by the potential buyer. This increases the willingness of buyers to pay a higher price, thereby potentially boosting the final sale price.

Competitive Advantage 

In a market saturated with options, a staged home stands out. It creates a memorable first impression and could be the distinguishing factor that sets a property apart from comparable listings. As such, sellers might find that staged homes can command a higher asking price.

The Effect of Time on Market

Accelerated Sales Process

Home staging, when done effectively, can drastically reduce the time a property spends on the market. By presenting the home in its best light, sellers are more likely to attract serious and motivated buyers. This often leads to quicker offers and a more streamlined negotiation process, saving valuable time for both parties involved.

Decreased Holding Costs 

The longer a property remains unsold, the more it costs the seller in holding expenses, such as mortgage payments, utilities, and maintenance. By reducing the time on the market through effective staging, sellers can mitigate these holding costs.

Real-World Evidence

According to a study by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), a significant percentage of estate agents believe that staging increases the sale price of a home by up to 10%. Furthermore, the same study reveals that staged homes sell, on average, 88% faster than non-staged homes.

In a local context, various property firms and estate agents across the UK, including We Buy Any Home Newcastle, have seen the benefits of home staging first-hand. With more buyers attracted to staged homes and a smoother sales process overall, it’s clear why professional home staging services are becoming increasingly popular across the region.

Tips for Effective Home Staging

To make the most out of home staging, consider the following tips:

  1. Declutter and Depersonalise: Remove personal items and excess furniture to create a clean, neutral space.
  2. Freshen Up: Apply a fresh coat of neutral paint and ensure the home is immaculately clean.
  3. Repair and Update: Fix any noticeable defects and consider modest updates, like modern lighting fixtures or hardware.
  4. Highlight Key Areas: Focus on staging the main living areas, master bedroom, and kitchen to the highest standard.


The art of home staging is more than just aesthetic enhancement; it is a strategic move designed to appeal to the psychological needs of potential buyers. By presenting a property as a well-maintained and inviting space, sellers are more likely to secure higher offers and expedite the sales process. 

In a competitive market, where every advantage counts, home staging proves to be an invaluable tool for sellers seeking to maximise their returns and minimise their time on the market.

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