Saturday, 22 February 2025

The Complete List of Gall Bladder Stone Symptoms

The Complete List of Gall Bladder Stone Symptoms

Gallbladder stone or gallstone is a painful gastrointestinal ailment. These stones are formed when bile and minerals coalesce in the gallbladder. When these stones try to pass through the bile duct, they cause mild to severe pain.

Scroll down to know more about all gallbladder stone symptoms!

What Are the Common Symptoms of Gallstones?

Generally, gallstones cause pain in the upper middle or upper right section of the stomach. Acute pain usually occurs after the intake of fatty foods. When the body tries to release bile, stones in the gallbladder block them.

Some common gallbladder stone symptoms are:

    • Rapid heartbeat
    • A high temperature
    • Diarrhoea
    • Itchy skin
    • Confusion
    • Yellowing of the whites of the eyes
    • A loss of appetite
    • Jaundice or Yellowing of the skin
    • Chills

What Are the Symptoms of Different Types of Gallstones?

Two types of gallbladder stones cause symptoms to present:

1. Cholecystitis:

The inflammation of the gallbladder is termed cholecystitis. Normally, it is caused by gallstones that block the tube coming out of the gallbladder.

The common symptoms of cholecystitis are swelling, redness, or gallbladder inflammation due to gallstones. This condition can be of two types, i.e., acute cholecystitis and chronic cholecystitis.

Symptoms of chronic cholecystitis:

    • Pain radiating below your right shoulder blade or backbone
    • Severe pain occurs suddenly in the upper right side of your abdomen
    • Nausea
    • Bloating
    • Chills
    • Vomiting
    • Sweating
    • Fever
    • Jaundice
    • Abdominal cramping
    • Yellowing of the whites of the eyes

Symptoms of acute cholecystitis:

The most evident sign of acute cholecystitis is intense pain under the right shoulder blade or near the upper right of the stomach. The pain may get unbearable because the diaphragm puts pressure on your liver. It further inflames the gallbladder.

Some other signs are –

    • Fever
    • Pain aggravated by deep breathing
    • Appetite loss
    • Sweating
    • An abdominal bulge
    • Jaundice
    • The sudden arrival of pain lasts for several hours

Consult a doctor without delay if you experience these symptoms. They will assess your condition to arrive at a diagnosis and treatment plan.

2. Choledocholithiasis:

This gallbladder disease occurs when a gallstone gets thrust into your bile duct. Generally, people do not notice when gallstones pass through the bile duct. However, it may cause stomach pain, which is associated with gallbladder disease.

Symptoms of Choledocholithiasis:

    • Fever
    • Pain in the stomach’s upper right section
    • Yellowing skin
    • Yellowing eyes
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Appetite loss
    • Tea-colored or dark-coloured urine
    • Grey, light, or clay-coloured stools

Descriptions of Common Symptoms of Gallbladder Stone

An ailing gall bladder may cause disruptions in the functioning of the body. Consult the doctor once when you notice any of the following symptoms.

1. Fever:

When you feel intense pain in the gallbladder, which is followed by a fever, you must seek medical help right away. Fever can be an indication of gallbladder inflammation or an infection.

If you leave these signs untreated, the infection may spread to the other organs and cause further complications.

2. Jaundice:

The excess bile can enter your bloodstream with the assistance of your gallbladder. As a result, your skin and eyes may turn pale. The whites of your eyes will also begin to turn yellow.

3. Loss of appetite:

The fat or cholesterol in the food you eat is broken down by the bile produced by your gallbladder during digestion. However, the fat present in your body cannot break if there is a blockage in your gallbladder. As a result, you will experience a loss of appetite or feeling full.

4. Vomiting and nausea:

When your gallbladder gets blocked, it cannot break down the fat or cholesterol present in the body. As a result, you may experience vomiting or feel nauseous. With vomiting or nausea, you may experience other symptoms mentioned earlier because of the pain due to gallbladder stones.

5. Discoloured urine and stools, Diarrhoea:

If you are experiencing dark urine, light-coloured stools, and frequent bowel movements, in that case, these can be the indication of gallbladder issues. Light-coloured stools are the most obvious symptom of gallstones blocking your bile duct.

6. Pain:

It is the most general indicator that indicates your body is going through some problems. For gallbladder disease, you may usually feel pain in your upper-right stomach area. This pain can sometimes radiate, and you may feel it in your back, stomach, and chest.

In a Nutshell

Surgery for gallbladder stones can be performed through laparoscopy. You may consult specialists at Max Healthcare Group for a comprehensive diagnosis and discuss the possible treatment options thereafter.

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