Thursday, 6 March 2025

What Are the Wholesome Benefits of Living the Christian Life?

christian life

Do you think Christianity in America is at a steep decline?

The narrative of a decline may be trending, but the numbers tell a different, more hopeful story.

There are 205 million Christians in the United States. Are you one of Jesus’s army?

Whether you’re just getting to know Christ or you were saved long ago, let’s take a look at the benefits of living a Christian life.

  1. Strong Marriage and Family

No matter your affiliation, Christianity celebrates marriage in Christ. In fact, a strong, wholesome family unit is the cornerstone of Christianity.

As a Christian, you are bound to find a spiritually compatible spouse who prays with you through life’s ups and downs. You are bound to multiply and raise children in the Christian faith, thus blessing the world with another generation of decent God-fearing people.

Also, while the majority of the secular world keeps breaking up and finding new life partners, you and your love are more likely to stay married. Even if you struggle through life’s many challenges, you will endure as long as you live in faith, because a family who prays together stays together.

  1. Support and Fellowship From Your Church Family

There is no family like your church family.

Christ didn’t discriminate based on race, ability, or income bracket, so while attending, you are likely to meet people from all walks of life. Through your mutual faith and affiliation with the church, you can reach out to this diverse group of people and create lifelong bonds.

More importantly, you have a supportive group to turn to if you are ever in need, whether physically or spiritually. Your church family is there for you, whether you need a ride to church or a week’s worth of groceries to feed your kids.

  1. A Christian Life Spent Helping Others

Just as your church family is there to help you, so you are there to help others as a Christian.

Followers of Christ are encouraged and taught to help those in need. Not only does helping others benefit God’s people, but it enriches your life as well.

When you help those in need, you feel a greater purpose in life. You are closer to God, and ready to nurture your relationship with Jesus.

  1. Enrichment Through Creativity

Are you passionate about The Lord?

Does He make you want to tap into your creative side and celebrate your religious lifestyle through song or art?

Even if you are not an artist yourself, you can enjoy Godly artistry through those whom He chose to express their love in creativity. Music and art are both key forms of tribute to Christ. As a religious person, you can enjoy art in its finest forms as you worship in and outside of church.

Christ’s Crew

Are you one of Christ’s crew? The Christian life is not for the weak in spirit or the faint of heart, but it is a worthwhile pursuit. Not only do you get to know Christ, but through Him, you can enjoy many Earthly benefits before you make it to Heaven.

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