Tuesday, 21 January 2025

What you should include in SEO report for the client?


A flawless SEO report by an SEO agency in Dubai highlights essential information, provides insights on any visible changes, and offers helpful recommendations. Here’s a quick guide to creating an SEO report:

Know what your clients want

Instead of guessing what the customer will want to know about their performance criteria or adding every good measure you can in your initial SEO report, it is preferable to take the direct approach and ask the client directly. Find out what your clients want in an SEO report regarding favorable growth.

Checklist for the ideal report:

There are several ideal elements that almost every client is concerned with and which should unquestionably be included in their SEO report, even though every customer is unique and has distinct preferences for what they want to see in an SEO report: 

  • Backlink Fitness: What kinds of links lead to the client’s website? Are there any recently discovered broken links that need to be fixed? 
  • SEO Fitness: a list of all the technical problems that might affect search engine visibility 
  • Sales: Show the clients how SEO tactics have produced measurable ROI crucial to their business. 
  • Organic Traffic Development: Display the impact of organic traffic on the effectiveness of the website and the most popular pages.
  • Keyword Ranking Progress: Track changes in keyword ranks and potential fall in targeted keywords.

Summarize the following SEO reporting metrics

The idea is to list everything relevant in a way that highlights the major aspects while skipping the specifics so that someone unfamiliar with digital marketing may comprehend if goals are being fulfilled. Here are some of the important metrics for an SEO Company Dubai to summarize in their report: 

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KPI Status and Effectiveness

Give an overview of their KPIs and which targets have been met and are still in the works. It doesn’t have to be highly descriptive; as previously said, summarize. Also, be specific about those still in the process. Instead, describe the company’s progress in both local and national SEO. Clients appreciate a hands-on approach to getting outcomes.

Evidence of Changes 

While preparing the summary, pay attention to any trends you see and how they affect performance. Is there a declining tendency in traffic from a given age group? This might imply a demographic shift, affecting sales, page traffic and other metrics. 

As your client’s responsible agent, you should advise them of these developments and what you propose doing about them. It’s best, to be honest about whether the modification is beneficial or negative, even though some clients would expect you to correct it. You may proceed and either keep on track (if the change is positive) or plan a response.

Analyze the Target 

The success of any keyword or content should be broken out in terms of traffic creation, average time spent on the site, return visitors, and any other pertinent data. It should include information on what attracts visitors, keeps them on the website, and entices them to return. 

Any SEO-related information that you believe the customer could find beneficial, such as defensive mistakes, emerging trends, ineffective pages that weren’t the main focus, or any other possible SEO targets, can be included.


Flavia Calina

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Prime Guest Post Is A Freelance Writer And Social Media Company Who Helps Different Businesses And Brands To Build An Audience And Get More Paying Clients Online.

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