Sunday, 23 February 2025

5 Most Important Writer’s Resolutions By Malone Editorial


Every new year, make loads of new plans. Some may want to get fit, or some may want to start eating healthy. There is no doubt that many people have different wants around the new year. And even if they won’t fulfill it, it’s a tradition to have a resolution in recent years. However, what does a writer want? Well, writers are obviously human beings, and they would wish for countless different things. But in this article, we will not talk about worldly things. Instead, we would discuss writers’ skillsets and what resolution they should live by.

But these Writer’s Resolutions have a twist to them. They are not just some ordinary resolutions given by us! They are the Writer’s Resolutions given by Ms. Susan Mary Malone. But before we dive right into it, let’s first discuss who Ms. Susan Mary Malone is.

Who is Susan Mary Malone?

Susan Mary Malone, a native Texan, grew up surrounded by mythological creatures and fairytales. Her grandmother taught her that dreams could come true by introducing her to tales of unicorns twirling over the night sky. And Her aunts taught her not to take things at face value, and that trust must be earned by introducing her to gremlins that lurk in the shadows and terrify the living daylights out of young children. Her down-to-earth mother also taught her that she might find her footing in life by embracing both desires and fears.

She grew up to be one after being fascinated with prominent Texas authors at an early age, especially Texas female authors.

Susan Mary Malone is a book editor and writing coach. She has helped authors from various spheres of life with their book editing. Malone Editorial has been an award-winning author and book editing business for more than 25 years, with more than 50 of her edited works being purchased by established publishers. Susan has consistently shown off her gifted writing and editing abilities, and she has created a special strategy to maximize book-editing services. Susan offers a comprehensive, in-depth book edit to make sure everything in your book is prepared for publishing review and approval. She also serves as a writing coach and developmental editor.

5 Writer’s Resolutions By MaloneEditorial

Now that we know who Ms.Susan Mary Malone is let’s dive into the 5 Writer’s Resolutions that she gave.

According to Ms. Malone, she gets many messages where people are asking them for book composing objections. There are certain instances where people feel so un inspired that they consider expert. It’s great, obviously. But , if you want to improve your own writing skills then these Writer’s Resolutions are for you.

The love of the written word and how we all interact with it always makes me feel wonderful on the inside.

But if your goals are to eat less junk food, for example, cutting your hair will help you achieve them. So that we can focus on the core of the problem, we should carefully set out our writing goals. This will give us the power to make our imaginations come true.

Writer’s Resolution Number One: 

She advises writers to slow down as their first resolution. Yesterday is the deadline for distributing to everyone. That in and of itself is unquestionably not a bad thing. As John Bunyan would agree, one of those goals should keep you slogging through the depressing bog. Whatever the case, she will assure you that this is one of those situations where the turtle prevails over the rabbit. She notices that taste mostly hinders authors. She typically cringes when someone quickly returns with changes because she already knows that they need to revise everything. Rushing will cause cracks to appear in the walls of your story, through which a Mack truth will be driven. It is also a true executioner of creativity.

Resolution Number Two: 

She suggests taking a publishing-news fast as her second publishing resolution. Let’s face it: the distribution report is generally depressing. Significant engravings are closing. Editor positions are being lost out of control. Your heart sinks as you hear the most current information on declining print deals, despite digital book deals already utilizing much of this flexibility. A select handful of us must decide to follow the practical side of things. But, you don’t have to—you can enjoy a lengthy leisurely moment and let your imagination run wild. She advises turning distribution while you’re writing so that it goes in the opposite direction of how you walk.

Resolution Number Three:

Her third advice to her fellow writers would be to Let their Creativity Soar! Continue to compose indefinitely. Don’t change who you are as you go. Just stay in step with your characters and go where they go. Follow each string, no matter how arbitrary it seems. In fact, the more surreal the level of imagination, the better! Try it out. Play, giggle, and dance along to the entertainment. You will eventually enter the field of book editing and alteration, so you won’t ever have to worry about being embarrassed for a stupid mistake you made at the time. Be free until further notice!

Writer’s Resolution Number Four:

Damn the skeptics. Additionally, those are soldiers! Offload their plans for a comparatively large number of reasons you can’t succeed in that state of mind. More challenging than one could anticipate? Nah. Just let them babble, and as they do so, gently respond, “You’re likely correct,” either to your own bad presences or those of your mother via marriage. However, I’m currently immersed in a cunning line of events since I need to write a scene, portion, and story. Later, I’ll get back to you.

Writer’s Resolution Number Five: 

Recall that writing well is a journey in her fifth piece of advice. This is a long-distance race, not a run. Our intention is not for our direct to be spread in a week. Instead, our goal is to create captivating narratives with characters that leap off the page and require the readership as a whole to accompany them on their adventures. All we’re looking for is growth, the ability to see that today’s writing is better than yesterday’s, last week’s, or last year’s. So, her advice is to strongly stay consistent for improvement. Keep composing, reading, and studying it regularly, and you will improve in no time.


Every year every person makes tons of Writer’s Resolutions for themselves, Be it big or small. It’s like a small tradition that we have at this point. However, Ms. Susan Mary Malone came up with these 5 Writer’s Resolutions to make stuff easy for writers. So, if you are a writer aiming to perfect your art, follow the Writer’s Resolutions mentioned above.

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