Saturday, 1 February 2025

Ideas for creating scented candles

scented candles

Make your home smell much better by learning how to make scent candles with spices. These scented candles are easy to make and are great gifts, as well!


Spiced Candles for the Fall

When the autumn season comes, you probably are looking forward to enjoying it as much as possible. We love the pre-winter season, and it seems to pass too quickly. You’d better give your best shot to enjoy fall as much as possible with fall-related foods, scents, and drinks.

You may also create fall scents this year by using some beeswax candles if you love to make them, of course. You do not need to order any special scents, and you may try out some homemade scents. These lovely scented candles are great for filling your home with fall scents without the need to purchase any extra fragrances.

How to make fragrant candles with spices

What you Need:


  • Jars
  • Wick (at minimum medium or #2) 
  • 1 cup Beeswax
  • 1 cup Coconut Oil 
  • Spices


The recipe makes pretty enough wax for a pint jar. Depending on what scents you are making and how strong you want the wax to be, you will need approximately one big tablespoon of spices for each pint. Further down, you will find some spice ideas.

Place the wicks into the jars. For candle projects, I prefer to use mason jars that are random or chipped. The wick holders can be used in metal, or you can just attach the wicks directly to the bottom of your jars. The tape should be secured. Hot glue works just as well, but it might melt if hot wax is added.

Wrap the tops of the Wicks in pencil. Place them in the middle of the Jars.

In a double boiler, melt the beeswax and coconut oil. The wax and oil don’t have to be boiled. They can just be melted. Use a mixture of coconut oil and beeswax to make a soft candle that burns more evenly than pure beeswax.

Use a jar to place in the saucepan with a few inches of water. When the water heats, the contents of your jar will heat and melt accordingly. This jar is used for candlemaking so that you don’t have wax on many utensils. Sometimes it can be difficult to clean.

The process of melting the wax and combining it with coconut oil should take only a few moments. It is possible to stir the wax using a stick or long spoon. Chopsticks are also very good options.

Begin by pouring a little wax into the bottom of the jar. Once it has set, pour more wax into the jar. You can try adding small layers of spices to prevent them from falling to the bottom.

Allow the scented candles to sit unattended until the wax hardens. You are now ready to light your candles.


Candles with Fall Spices

Any fall spices you like can be used in candles. You can make your own pumpkin spice candles. You can also add some Pumpkin Pie Spice seasoning. I want your home to smell like warm apple pie, and you may use some Apple Pie Spice blend.

Are you lacking the spice blends? You can make your own spice blends! You can easily adjust the quantity of your spice mixture as long as the ratios are the same.

These are one of the most beloved fall scents. But there are other spices that you can use in your fall scented candles.


  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Vanilla Bean


You can also freely add some arnica oil to your mixes

These spices can be purchased almost everywhere if you don’t already have them. There are many spices that can be purchased at a very affordable price, and they can be used to make candles.

They are a great addition to my home. I love the warmth and pleasant scents that they emit. These candles are easy to make and can be made in a matter of minutes.

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