Thursday, 23 January 2025

8th Annual International Conference Of SPDS – Disso India 2020 – Online International Conference Kicked Off With A Great Start On 13th May 2020

Disso  India Logo

Conducted every year, this flagship conference by The Society for Pharmaceutical Dissolution Science (SPDS) was attended by Pharmaceutical  R&D, QA and QC as well as academia professionals from all over India as well as abroad, involving speakers from the US, Europe and Asia. This year, due to the Covid-19, Pandemic, the International Conference is being conducted online from 13th-16th May 2020 (14.30 hrs to 18 30 hrs ,IST  & Re-Webcasting done on the same day from 20.30 hrs to  00.30 hrs). Around One Thousand Four Hundred Pharma Professionals & Accademia participated as registered delegates in this conference on the Inaugural Day.Disso Cover

While talking with Prakash Bhosale, a media representative Dr.L.Ramaswamy, The General  Secretary stated  that this is  the first Online event organised by SPDS in a short span of less than 12 days and attracted such a high number of delegates. So far this can be considered as the first conference with such a large number of attendees for a conference organised in the Pharma sector online. More delegates are expected to join in the next three days.

The theme of the event is “Dissolution as a Quality Assurance tool for Product Development, Approval, and Batch Releases” .The Society for Pharmaceutical Dissolution Science (SPDS), an organisation which was formed only eight years back and has gained international presence and acceptance in a short span of time.

Disso India- 2020 Online has 15 lecturers from eminent professionals working in the pharmaceutical industry from around the world as well as academia.

The scientific sessions are programmed and executed under the Chairmanship of Professor Arvind Bansal, Head-Department of Pharmaceutics, NIPER, SAS Nagar and the Co-Chair-Dr.Vinod .P.Shah, Ex-US FDA and Pharmaceutical Consultant, USA.

Disso India 2020 was inaugurated  with Dr.  Suresh Bhojraj, Prochancellor – JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research and President of the Pharmacy Council of India. In his  inaugural speech Dr Suresh Bojiraj  has  put forth some of the questions to the Pharma Scientists/Students  whether they can develop a tool or method for Rapid Dissolution Testing. The opening session , Recent Advances in Dissolution Science and Testing had exceptional global speakers speaking on topics like the Dissolution and Bio Classification System (BCS) and Role of dissolution in complex generic drug products by Dr Vinod P Shah, (Ex-USFDA), Pharmaceutical Consultant, USA. Automation in Dissolution by Kemph Juergen, Business Development Manager, Sotax AG, Switzerland. Many such interesting topics are expected in the next 3 days of the conference.

A Registered NGO,- Society for Pharmaceutical Dissolution Science (SPDS) was formed on 16th July 2012 in Mumbai with the objective of promoting Science and Technological Development in the field of Dissolution Science  among pharmaceutical professionals, Academia, Students, Regulatory Bodies, etc. SPDS is the only professional body dedicated to Dissolution and its application worldwide. SPDS envisions to be one of the most prominent organizations focusing on Dissolution Science among the Pharmaceutical Industry and Academia.


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