Sunday, 23 February 2025

Dedicated PKI Solutions Available as PKI-as-a-service

Every organization is currently eyeing the power of automation and digital services to boost service delivery, production, and other activities. The technologies have proven beneficial, and organizations continue to automate more and desire more benefits. One of the ways of automation is the application of Public key infrastructures in the organization. The PKIs have various subdivisions, such as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) as a service (PKIaaS) which offer multiple benefits to the organization.  

PKIaaS is becoming popular due to the advantages it offers companies and users. The PKIaaS offers different solutions depending on the industry and the needs of a company or enterprise that uses the systems. Here are some answers for companies to enjoy using PKIaaS. 


The solutions provided by PKIaaS 

The PKIaaS offers solutions based on the applications. Some of these solutions are standards, while some the company can customize based on the organizational needs and activities. The ability to customize will vary based on the users.  

Security solutions 

The PKI service enables companies to utilize various security measures to prevent unauthorized system access. 

Strong user identities 

The PKI as a service enables you to create various identities within the organization. These identities include identity verification solutions to avoid issues such as system fraud using remote identity and documentation verification to mitigate certain risks. It enables you to leverage mobile apps to promote privacy, rights, and linguistic support for those supporting the systems. It ensures the users comply with the international security requirements and regulations.  

It provides various authentication through strong identities to protect the system and website from access. The system security includes multiple protocols such as ID issuance. The solutions offer ID issuance and security protocols such as secure digital and other physical IDs.

Secure payment solutions

Websites allow users to pay for various products, such as credit card payments, online digital payments such as PayPal, and many more. These payments are vulnerable to hacks and hackers stealing user payment information.  

It provides other forms of security, such as secure payment services. This is one of the solutions it mainly provides for online commerce websites and companies. It offers financial security through the economic identities and credentials to protect financial transactions through protocols such as encryptions. It also provides a digital card solution to cardholders, especially mobile apps. 

Digital infrastructure security

Digital infrastructure security protects the organization’s organizational systems, data processes, and other transactions. Infrastructural security is available in two primary forms, such as database security. This involves securing the databases using encryptions, key management protocols, and strong policies such as access controls to limit access to the system by the people. The other form of security is multi-cloud security, which involves securing the cloud services platforms. This is achievable through the use of secure encryption keys for cloud access. It also involves the multi-authentication process.

Identities for IoT and workplace devices 

IoT is becoming the backbone for many companies; however, it is one of the areas that hackers target. However, the IoT is vulnerable to various security threats. The solutions support the security of IoT devices used in multiple industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation. The PKIaaS offers solid identities for all the IoT systems to promote data integrity. 

It promotes IoT security in various ways, such as securing the connection between connected devices such as vehicles to enable a trusted identity. It secures the telecommunication networks by promoting identities for LTE and 5G base stations. It guarantees the security of the smart manufacturing devices used in manufacturing.  

It can also secure servers, routers, desktops, and mobile systems within the workplace environment. The applications make PKIaaS applicable for industries such as healthcare that heavily rely on IoT. Securing the workplace systems prevents data breaches during data exchange and transmission.

Modernizing public key infrastructure 

Organizations may find it challenging to manage the PKI hence the need to focus more on modernizing the PKIs to boost security protocols. PKI is a critical element for enterprise security; still, organizations find it challenging to protect their databases. The PKIaaS facilitates the data migration to the cloud and all digital formats to prevent ease of attacks from data hackers. 

The solutions take away the burden of PKI security infrastructure from the organizations to the third parties. These third parties have the resources to protect the data in various ways. Through the shift of security burden, PKIaaS saves the company the burden such as lack of resources and skills to protect the systems. It also saves the organization from hidden infrastructural costs, which may pile up fast, hence the need to eliminate the charges.  

The PKIaaS also eliminates the security gaps by providing assurance levels and issuing certificates to protect the system. It enables the company to boost its trust and policy compliance over time, boosting the security protocols. The cloud security services in the PKIaaS promote a secure root of trust, cloud-hosted PKI, 24/7 security operations, and certificate lifecycle automation. 

Creation of integration hub 

One of the most significant benefits of using PKIaaS is the integration of new hubs to protect the enterprise. It offers a hybrid system to prevent pitfalls associated with non-cloud systems. It also enables the companies to deploy multi-cloud infrastructure through partnerships with various companies and the provision of multiple applications to achieve different needs in one platform. The availability of all the applications in one platform saves money and time and streamlines organizational activities and protocols.


Organizations can benefit immensely from PKI as a service. It provides security solutions to limit attacks from system users, attacks on financial transactions, and other digital systems in the workplace. It also enables the organization to modernize its infrastructures, eliminating security threats and costs associated with running outdated infrastructure. Finally, it allows the organization to create an integrated hub and provides all the needed applications on one platform.  


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