Have you ever sewn patches onto a leather vest for one of your close friends? And you are thinking OMG I don’t know if I like but I have to do it. Are you kidding? Leather? Ah Nah! Can you take it somewhere else?
We will share with you ways how you can stitch badges on a jacket and not regret being a kind friend while doing the favor. Or if you want to affix badges onto your jacket so you can save money and not have to take it in to let somebody affix on for you. Well, stick around as we would share how to do it.
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Effective Step-by-Step Guide to Sew Patches on a leather Vest
Patches can turn any simple and ordinary jacket into the coolest one. An expert custom patch maker UK states these pieces of cloth speak so much about your personality before you start talking about yourself. Sewing it on a jacket isn’t a tough row to hoe as it might sound.
There are two methods for its execution, the first is by hand while the second option requires a machine. We would elaborate on both techniques in detail to let you decide which one would work best for you.
Firstly, we will share a method that doesn’t require a machine. We have broken down this technique into several steps to make it easier for you to understand.
Tape the Back of the Badge
To keep the piece in one place at the time of sewing, secure it temporarily with a piece of tape. Tear up a piece of tape, and roll it into a loop in a way that the sticky part is outside. Stick it on the back of the badge, but make sure to remove it when you are about to complete stitching.
Which type of tape to use? Use scotch or masking tape but avoid using the double-sided one as this can be hard to remove. Don’t want to use tape on your mc patches? Use spray adhesive to lightly mist the back of the piece.
Place the Badge on the Vest
Once you have placed the tape on the piece, then keep it wherever you want it to go. Choose the most suitable area on your jacket. Keep this in mind, if you use adhesive spray, wait for a few seconds for the glue to get active.
Unstitch the Lining to Create a Gap if required
This step is optional. If there is a lining near the area where you want to affix the badge, then can unstitch it. Unsticking to make a hole big enough to let your hand fit through would be handy in the process.
One can use a seam ripper to undo the stitching. As we mentioned before, this part can be skipped if your apparel doesn’t have lining or it might destroy your wrap.
Thread the Needle and Knot it
Once it is placed on the area where it should be, thread the needle with pure nylon or polyester thread. Why not a cotton thread for custom patches for leather vests? Because the tannin inside the skin would degrade that material over time.
Choose in hue that matches the border of your insignia. Once you have thread inside the needle, secure it by making a knot.
Get the Needle Inside the Badge and Vest
Get rolling by pushing the needle through the back of the wrapping and out through the front of the insignia. It doesn’t matter where you start, just try to stitch on the border of the piece.
Later, push the needle back towards the jacket, right next to the edge of the badge.
As needles specialized for skin are pretty sharp, so protect your finger from being pricked and poked with a thimble, a small pitted cup.
Whipstitch around the Border
Once you are done with stitching the piece to the apparel, the next step is to choose between whipstitch and running stitch. The first one would be visible on the border while the second option would be inside the border.
If you go for whipstitch, then stop when you are third way done, remove the tape and complete the process. However, ignore this step if you use adhesive spray. Lastly, don’t forget to close it with a tight knot.
Shut the Lining with a Ladder stitch
This step is for the one who undid the lining at the beginning of the process. Once the process of sewing a biker patches UK on the jacket is complete, shut the lining with a ladder stitch.
Make a knot and push the needle towards the inward, then the outward direction of the lining, ensuring no gaps in between. Create a ladder stitch by sewing two seams together. Once it completes, knot the thread and snip the thread.
We successfully describe the first method, now moving on to the second one that requires a machine.
Get a Sewing Machine
The first step is to get a sewing machine that is specialized for animal skin because an ordinary one wouldn’t be able to pull it off. You should either look for a leather sewing machine or a heavy-duty machine.
You can get this at places that offer animal skin-related tools or place an order from online shopping platforms such as Amazon and Ali Baba.
Fit an Eighteen gauge Needle into the Machine
Once you got the machine, get started by first fitting an eighteen-gauge needle in it. The stitch length should be set to the widest it can be, something around 0.32 cm wide would do a good job. Though, we mentioned it in the first method but yet we would like to remind you of some things.
Make sure the thread you are opting for is 100% nylon to avoid any degradation over time. Also, go for a sharp needle that is specially made for animal skin material to obtain the best results.
Spray Adhesive on the Back
Once your machine is all ready to let in the fabric and sticking piece, start prepping the badge. Shake the adhesive spray and use it on the back of the insignia. Make sure that you are holding the spray four to six inches away from the piece of cloth.
Don’t apply too much, just spray it enough that allows the fabric and piece to stick to each other.
Place the Insignia wherever you want
Wait for a few seconds to let the glue activate and after that place the leather vest patches UK wherever you want it to go. Gently press it down to secure it.
Sew the Insignia onto the Leather Jacket
Get started at one of the corners of the piece, and sew it on the apparel. Be vigilant when you stitch around the curves. When you set the angle, push the needle down, lift your foot, and rotate the vest to complete the process.
Pull the Apparel out of the Machine
Once the stitching is done, lift the needle out of the fabric, and pull up your foot. Cut the thread and close the lining, if needed.
Hopefully, after wading through the effective step-by-step guide to sewing patches on a leather vest, you explored both methods. Whether you do it for your friend or your startup, you are familiar with the entire process from now on. Now, it is time to get rolling and sew your badge onto the jacket with perfection.