Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Why Education is most important for our society?


Human being has to be educated and educated. The primary objective of education is to maintain personal and social improvement. This process has both tangible and moral dimensions. Educational programs and policies play an important role in this social and personal progress. Social progress clearly indicates a general development in the community in terms of economic, social and cultural aspects. In sociolinguistic terminology, social development is used to conceptualize all positive events in social construction. To put it differently, it is to refer to a society which is changing from a less civilized situation to a favorable situation for progress in relation to economic, social and political issues. The main difference between the living and the lifeless is that the former always renews itself. One of the mechanisms that provide and sustain this renewal is education. Thus, understanding and explaining the role of education in this social development is of paramount importance, so as to understand the progress and change described earlier.

  • The purpose of this study is to explain the role of education on social development and progress, personal development and progress, and the dynamic relationship between these concepts. Education is not only an institution, but also a process in society.
  • If these concepts are ordered in terms of their actions, then society has a purpose, and education is a better tool to accomplish this purpose. Development and reforms are based on the socioeconomic decisions of politicians to improve the welfare of individuals.
  • At the present time, development and improvement, not only on the material needs of the people, in the development of their social conditions, is related to the attainment of their hopes.
  • In developed countries, knowledge generated through research and education is used not only to achieve social and economic objectives, as well as the attainment of individual’s personal development.

Education and society

Social and natural conditions determine the role and function of education. Within the relationship between education and society, the most salient feature of education is its communal side. Social context is essential for education to function well. Society and education fulfill each other. Society cannot run without education and vice versa. Education affects not only the educated person but the entire community by starting with his family. In other words, raising a sufficient number of skilled people for a more prosperous society is the duty of education and educational institutions, which have few functions in the community. Every educational institution establishes relationships in mutual relations.

Education is one of the most important tools to improve individual settlements, build capacities, overcome obstacles and expand opportunities and options for continuous improvement in well-being. The process of education and its attainment has an impact on all aspects of life. It is an important offensive tool to bring about social, economic and political inclusion of people (NHDR, 2001). In this context, the present paper attempts to assess the contribution of education to one of many such dimensions of the life of individuals, namely – social development.

  • Social development first gained widespread attention through the principles set out in the 1995 Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations (the Copenhagen Declaration- “World Conference for Social Development”). Midgally (1995) envisions social development as “a process of planned social change designed to promote the well-being of the population in conjunction with a dynamic process of development”.
  • The goal of social development in the context of modern welfare is to produce a social welfare that enables people to act in a broader sense and make their own decisions.
  • In this context, the Oxford Poverty Human Development Initiative (OPHI) has proposed a methodology for evaluating development that also includes social areas of welfare of individuals. According to OPHI Health, empowerment, meaning and value in life, external humiliation and safety and security are some of the key indicators of social development.

It is only the basis of social development that it brings together members of different social backgrounds to contribute and learn together. Effectively working together requires greater social awareness. However, many schools fail miserably on this. They bring others together but do not teach them how to appreciate differences, understand diversity, or how to work together. They just bring the students together in a social platform and expect them to work on it themselves. While many students do this, many do not. Due to the lack of formal education that focuses on building effective social skills, we have a lot of students who go out into the world who do not know how to work in teams and have absolutely no networking skills. Education only brings students together but it stops there.

Education, as a phenomenon, is a social base and a process occurring in society. If a prior and hierarchical sequence is established, then society can be regarded as objective and education can be regarded as the inevitable means of this purpose. In this regard, research into functional relations between education and society and its other institutions is of great importance for community development.

Communication development and change

  • Development and progress is to change the community structure by following socio-economic policies to improve the level of prosperity of individuals. From this point of view, development is both an economic and an educational process.
  • Social development is intended to meet adequate and ethical requirements in a humanistic fashion. In addition, social development refers to the increasing level of communities in terms of knowledge, mindset and life. Growth and progress also means a component that emerges and develops on its own.
  • Development in every area within a social structure is a part of a general community development and change and is closely related to other institutional structures in the community.
  • Growth and change do not simply indicate a substantial or economic growth and change. According to this, development and change is a situation related to the improvement of social conditions and expectations.

Communication Development and Education

Community development is a holistic development. In this regard, the educational system and economy are two closely related social institutions. Schools direct education and personality building as an important component of the educational system that enables economic progress and community development. Community development and change is specifically related to education and instruction in that social problems are identified and citizens are informed about these matters in a democratic manner. Educational facilities are important for two reasons: First, it is to prevent people from changing social and economic conditions. The second is to develop and change the community by reinforcing these conditions. The main duty of institutions in almost every community is to maintain survival and maintenance by regulating relationships. When determining educational objectives, it is important to pay attention to individual and socio-cultural aspects and to take into account social efficiency criteria.

  • Community development is human development, as well. The pattern of human competence is strongly attributed to the action plans and programs of developed and developing countries in the world. From a sociological point of view, it is believed that there is a great connection between educational policies and social expectations and ideals.
  • If the idea that a community cannot improve to a considerable degree without increasing its mental level, it is a social fact, according to the fact, that mental improvement is directed from traditional and local ideas towards modern fashion should be done.
  • Education is the only way to accomplish this fact. As Paul Valery (1871–1945) pointed out, the problem today is that the future is not the same as before.
  • This means that it is important to set up an education system that is not contrary to the spirit of today, so that in the future, a voice that will not be the same as before. Otherwise, generations that do not contribute to community development despite continuing education will inevitably be raised.


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