Saturday, 22 June 2024

Google Execs Share Vision-Strategy For Google Ads

Google Execs Share Vision-Strategy For Google Ads

On May 24th, Google Marketing Live featured a presentation by John Nicoletti, their VP of Global Product & Sales Activation. He outlined two key building blocks for advertisers to separate themselves from the pack: understanding your customer’s journey and using relevant messaging at scale!

  • Go all in on automation to level up search performance
  • Grow your business on new channels

Marketers must be on the leading edge and take action now. Technology is constantly evolving, while consumers are adapting to new ways of doing things quickly with technology in order not get left behind by these changes!

Elevating Your Search Strategy

The quest to create a successful campaign starts with understanding how your target audience uses the internet. This means collecting data on what they look for and where, then using that information as inspiration when planning out an advertising strategy in Google Ads (or other platforms).

After all this research has been done – 80%+ of advertisers are using automated bidding- you’re ready make sure every dollar spent drives higher ROI by targeting those most likely buy qualified leads from local businesses like yours!

  • Broad match keywords: By keeping keyword

matches broad, it allows you to cast a wider net on relevant searches.

  • Responsive Search Ads: Responsive Search ads help deliver the right message to the right customer and allow you to scale faster.
  • Smart Bidding: Takes the manual work out of controlling each individual bid. Smart Bidding takes into account each individual search and user to bid accordingly based on your campaign goals.

Diversify Your Channels To Find More Customers

Your business should grow by focusing on customers’ needs.

-The Performance Max + Value based bidding strategy will help you reach your customer wherever they are, not just when they’re searching online but also in person through ads that show up everywhere!

  • Display Network
  • YouTube
  • Gmail
  • Maps

With Performance Max, advertisers have the ability to create highly relevant ads that are directly associated with their target audience. This case study shows how an increase in total incremental conversions was achievable at a similar CPA when using this campaign type–even without robust creative capabilities!


You can’t be afraid of change. If anything, advertisers need to think about how they will continue providing consumers with what they want in a world that’s constantly evolving at breakneck speed!

To do this successfully requires an innovative mindset and willingness-to take risks on new technologies or marketing strategies if necessary so focus your efforts today around building up tomorrow’s demand rather than just capturing current trends right away because all things are changing much quicker now then ever before–and unless you have great ideas too late getting started won’t matter anyway

Article source:

edward robinson

About Author

Edward Robinson is a Professional Content Writer having 4 years of experience. Writing about Technology and new tech trends is my passion.

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